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  • Sharon Rose, MS, LMHC, NCC

Feeling Anxious, Stressed or Depressed?

Relationships, work, illness, children and money issues, among other things in our daily lives, can put pressure on us, making us unable to cope or find solutions. The things that make us feel this way may be just the things that motivate others! This may make it difficult for others around us to understand our situation or provide assistance.

Stress, anxiety and depression can affect everything in our lives, from how we feel, act, and think, to even how our body works. Early recognition of the signs and symptoms of stress will enable you to explore ways of coping other than adopting unhealthy habits such as smoking, cutting, anorexia, bulimia, drinking, taking drugs and/or overeating.

While there is little we can do to prevent everyday stress, anxiety and depression, learning how to relax can aid in successfully managing and avoiding the repercussions of these feelings. Some ways to relax and manage these feelings can be found in my post "8 Ways To Manage Stress".

Since a key way to tackle stress, anxiety and depression is to talk through the issues, joining a stress management group or class, or attending individual counseling sessions, can be very beneficial in helping you find and develop good coping skills.

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